Take your chance to have breakfast with the man of the moment of kiwi motorsport
Ever wondered what was the breakfast of champions?
Here is your chance to find out.
Hayden Paddon is the next big thing in NZ Motor Racing.
He is currently racing all over the world, and consistently placing in the top10 rankings in the WRC (World Rally Championship). He recently made New Zealand motorsport history with his podium finish in the Rally of Italy and is lined up to continue his run to the top with his hot form at the moment.
We are very lucky to have him in Nelson an available to meet and greet with us on Tuesday July 14th starting with the Big Brekkie Victory Boxing Fund Raiser at Monaco Resort from 7 - 9am. Come and listen to his experience competing at the pinnacle of his chosen sport globally, and the hard work and commitment he has shown to get to the top. A true world champion in the making Hayden is one of the nicest guys in motorsport!
Tickets cost $39 per person, with $15 of that going straight to Victory Boxing. Click here to pre-purchase tickets to the event via the website Eventbrite.
Bring your wallet, let’s raise some additional funds for Victory Boxing as well with Hayden Paddon gear up for auction amongst other things.
This is just the start of an action packed day, so stay tuned for details on the rest of the exciting activities.
Hayden has been on quite the journey to get to where he is right now. Check out this video from his Youtube channel as a taster to get you motivated to come along. It is an awesome watch.
Click on the play button to watch this video