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This weeks leaderboard's top ten is getting close

The Prius Challenge is coming to an end here in Nelson, with a great showing from the locals.
Nelson really is a green city - on the whole most of those that have taken the Prius Challenge have posted some remarkable scores compared to other "green" cars out there in the market.

The differences between the Top 10 are small, proving that for even first time drivers a very effective fuel efficiency is possible to achieve with a little guidance from both the car and our knowledgeable team here at Bowater Toyota.

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With just a few more days to go, can you show us how green you are and top this leaderboard and win the all new 2012 Prius C for yourself for a week?

The Little Pig builds a solid Prius Challenge

Nick Marer from the Little Pig Building Co stopped by to do the Prius Challenge. His Nelson based building company specialises in sustainable practices and has great knowledge and expertise when it comes to straw bale construction.
Nick Marer and his family live in a straw house and want to help others experience the long term benefits of living and working in an environmentally sound, naturally well-insulated building. Last year The Little Pig Building Co entered the 2011 Registered Master Builders House of the Year and got a bronze award for their work on the Johnston House in Nelson.
They also build in sticks and stones too, well actually that would be more traditional timber and also brick.


Already being a proud Prius owner Nick thought he would have this one in the bag.
So how did he do?

Simon from The Nelson Mail has some news for us!

Local Nelson Mail advertising rep Simon Adlington came in on Thursday to do the Prius Challenge. He quite fancied the thought of using the Prius C for a week.
We challenged him to show us just how green he was and he came prepared and ready to go!


For someone that has never driven a hybrid car before Simon jumped right into it and pulled off a great score!

The Prius Challenge Leader board - can you do better?

The Prius Challenge has been underway now for a couple of weeks and we have had quite a few people through. It has been amazing to gauge their reactions to the whole experience.
Some of the celebrities have been very competitive, and fitting 2 massive Nelson Giants in the back seats was certainly entertaining.

The Prius Challenge is a competition though, so lets take a look at the Leader Board at the moment. Check out those figures - the top 3 drives are achieving fuel consumption around 3 litres per 100 km, and the Top10 are all under 4 litres / 100km!


For those of you that know your car stats this is quite remarkable, and the whole point to the challenge. For instance, NZ's most beloved car, the Toyota Corolla has a 4.5 star fuel economy of 7.3 litres/100km. But there is so much more to this story than just fuel economy.

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