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Drive your dream with Bowater Hyundai

Get On Board with Bowater Hyundai and Power Off to get your Family Time on!

power off

On the weekend of 19-20 March, Hyundai New Zealand are holding their second Hyundai Power Off / Family On Weekend. The team at Bowater Hyundai are fully behind this and want you to be as well. We're challenging Kiwi families around the region to switch off their electronic devices to spend quality time together.


Last year, 17,623 Kiwi families disconnected their laptops, gaming consoles, tablets and phones to connect with each other across the land, pledging 650,000 hours of Family Time. This year Hyundai New Zealand are aiming for 25,000 families and 1,000,000 hours. Imagine that. 1 million hours of collective family time. You can help us get there!

Click the button to commit to hitting the ‘Off’ switch with us. Do it now and you'll be in to win your share of $10,000 fuel! If you want to get either Nelson College or Nelson College for Girls in the mix to win $500 worth of sports equipment hold off hitting this button and hit the other one below instead!

Sign up and come by and see Lana and she will give you a cute little badge, so you can let everyone else know that you value #familytime in your family! 


*Terms and Conditions Apply. Click here to read them.


Why POWER OFF in the first place?

We are all using screens so much these days. Digital devices are consuming so much of our attention. For work, for play, for distraction, for entertainment, for projects, for homework. The lists are endless, and let's face it, we are now citizens of a very digital world. 

Every now and then though, we need to switch off, and focus on what is important. Family. Some outside time. Being kids. Being adults. Being a family. Let's all get together and support each other to SWITCH OFF, just for a weekend!

The Power Off / Family On Weekend is back 19-20th March.

Dont be afraid of the OFF button. Bowater Hyundai are super excited to be a part of the second Power Off/Family On Weekend! We're encouraging families across the region to switch off their mobile phones, tablets, games consoles and other devices to spend the weekend of the 19th & 20th March together as a family. Sign up to participate and you'll go into the draw to win your share of $10k worth of fuel. Go to our website and sign up. You can help a couple of our schools too. Learn how here:

Posted by Bowater Motor Group on Thursday, 3 March 2016


Get our schools involved and win prizes for our Region!

enter-buttonWhen you choose to sign up through the special "schools" enter button right here, you get the choice to nominate any school as a part of the process.
The 4 schools with the most nominations nationwide will win $500 of sports gear. Cool!
It is the same process, you get registered for the PowerOff/FamilyOn Weekend, but you get to help a local school out along the way!

Part of the reason for doing this whole thing is to reconnect families with each other, enabling family time to happen without the distraction of devices. 
The same can be said with our children and the world around them.

Recent research has shown a growing trend for an increase in daily screen time with our children, which comes at the detriment of connecting with other options such as the rest of the family, books, sports or being even just being outside.

The PowerOff/FamilyOn Weekend is the perfect chance to show our kids that we can all collectively power off for a weekend and get back to how it all used to be just a generation ago.
Lets all get behind it, and enjoy life at a slightly different pace, even if it is just for one weekend!

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