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Drive your dream with Bowater Hyundai

Dream holiday awaits local family courtesy of Hyundai and the Santa Fe

This summer Hyundai have been all about the holiday road trip experience.

They have been running a nationwide campaign (click here) to get people excited about summer trips to our top summertime destinations, featuring such iconic images as the one below, of our very own Abel Tasman National Park.There were 6 family holidays worth $2,500 up for grabs, along with a main prize of $10,000.

summer getaways

Living in the top of the south, in one of New Zealand's favourite summer holiday destination, it is easy to get a little complacent about competitions like this one.
Afterall, we do live right amongst it, surrounded by the majesty of the Marlborough Sounds on one side, the Southern Alps behind us, and the glorious golden beaches of Abel Tasman to the West.

However, as Marlborough Sounds locals David and Sarah Lightfoot discovered, you have to be in to win!


The Lightfoot family were very pleased with their win. It is not every day you get a House of Travel voucher for $2,500! They have plenty of ideas as to where they would like to go, so hopefully we will be able to follow up with a photo or two of their Hyundai Santa Fe parked up in some iconic slice of NZ sometime soon!

They are quite used to road trips in their Hyundai Santa Fe - and they are committed owners. Now into their second one, they love the versatility it gives them. They drive quite a mix of roads living in the Marlborough Sounds, and with 3 growing children, Pip (3), Charlotte (8) and Georgie (10) the 3rd row of seats is very convenient and is apparently always up!

They have just returned from an epic summer journey to Wanaka at Christmas, fully loaded up (like Santa's sleigh perhaps?). Both Sarah and David commented on how wonderfully the Santa Fe performed, and is the perfect compliment to their busy lifestyle.


For a limited time - free Tow Bar with all new Santa Fe's!

New Zealander's love their Santa Fe's. Infact it is our favourite diesel family wagon, and if you take the time to look around Nelson and Tasman you will see your fair share of them on the roads. If you are thinking about upgrading, replacing, or just treating yourself to the latest and greatest, the choice just got a little easier. Now all new Hyundai Santa Fe's sold come with a free tow bar for a limited time, so that you can get out their driving your dream, and living the lifestyle even easier!

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