Get a free iPad Retina when you make a deal with Bowater Hyundai this summer.
Bowater Hyundai are keen to get you into a new car for the summer.
So keen that they are going to sweeten the deal with a brand new iPad Retina with every new or used car sold through the dealership.
The best display ever on a mobile device.
Everything you do with iPad, you do through its large, beautiful display. And when the display is better, the entire iPad experience is better. The Retina display on iPad features a 2048-by-1536 resolution, rich color saturation, and an astounding 3.1 million pixels. That’s four times the number of pixels in iPad 2 and a million more than an HDTV. Those pixels are so close together, your eyes can’t discern individual ones at a normal viewing distance. When you can’t see the pixels, you see the whole picture. Or article. Or game. In ways you never could before.
The iPad Retina is the pinnacle of current generation mobile computing power. (Learn more by clicking here). That is why we are adding one to each deal. We thought that those that appreciate the wonder behind the iPad would also appreciate the Hyundai range of cars, with it's fluidic design and commitment to technical excellence. A perfect match.
So what do you have to do to get your hands on a brand new iPad Retina?
Just come into Bowater Hyundai and drive away with a fantastic new Hyundai, or one of the quality pre-owned vehicles we have on the yard. Part of the deal is an iPad. Buy a car, get a bonus iPad!
When it comes to getting you everything you need Bowater Hyundai has all of the boxes ticked. Imagine a new car and a new iPad. Just in time for summer.