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Drive your dream with Bowater Hyundai

The team from Bowater Hyundai are setting sail in Tasman Bay with the Spirit of NZ

It is not everyday that you get the chance to set sail on New Zealand's most famous tall ship. 
This is exactly what the team from Bowater Hyundai, and 85 of their invited guests, got to do on a stunning summers morning in Tasman Bay.

Bowater Hyundai are very proud to be actively supporting the youth of our region each year with a scholarship that helps fund the cost of the berth onboard the training ship the Spirit of New Zealand. Hyundai New Zealand are major sponsors of the Spirit of Adventure Trust so all in all this day was a match made in heaven.  

We boarded the ship from the main public wharf alongside Guytons opposite the apartments and were welcomed by Gerard from the Spirit of New Zealand and Chris Bowater the CEO of Bowater Hyundai.  

Chris Bowater welcomes everyone
Chris Bowater welcomes everyone. Click on the Play Button to watch the video. 

Once onboard we headed out of the harbour and into the bay. The sun was shining, the water calm and the breeze brisk, so it was time to unlease the sails and get all hands on deck for some serious hauling of ropes!
Click here to go to the Spirit of New Zealand section of our website to see the full report of the day, along with heaps of photos. 


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