Hunt a tough pig, WIN a tough Ute
This year we have turned up the heat at the 10th Annual Belgrove Tavern Boar Hunt - we have chucked an Isuzu D-Max ute at it and it is up for grabs.
The Boar Hunt judging is on Saturday 9th June at the world famous Belgrove Tavern. To be into win the Isuzu D-Max ute you just need to hang the lucky pig.
The competition is open to the first 100 pigs hung up on the day. If one of the hung pigs matches the weight in the sealed envelope to the gram (XX.XXkg) then that pig hunter wins the Isuzu D-Max ute. Easy as!
The weight in the envelope has been decided based on averages of weight's from the pigs hung at previous competitions. If you have the magic pig of the magic weight, you will end up with a very special truck all of your own!