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Bowater Honda makes networking your business easier, and you can even get a car out of it!

Martin Carrington from Waimea Estates serves Peter Millward (CEO Nelson Provincial Museum) at our recent Opening Function last month. 

Next Tuesday evening, the 25th March, Bowater Honda are hosting the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce BNZ Partners After 5 meeting. If you are a business owner in the region this is the kind of networking you need to be involved in. A quiet yet professional forum where you can get to know other business owners in a relaxed atmosphere whilst enjoying some of our hospitality and the ambience of our new showroom in Achilles Ave.

You will be treated to some great opportunites to meet other business people that you might not ordinarily encounter on your daily activites, and be treated to some thought provoking short speeches that will hopefully enlighten and inspire.

Part of the evening will be based around a conversation regarding the exciting developments at the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, one of the many fantastic local community projects that the Bowater Motor Group lends a helping hand too.

But what is this about a car?

Part of the attrraction of being a part of these events is the perks that come along with businesses helping other businesses. Bowater Honda, and the Bowater Motor Group in general, are always keen to lend a helping hand where ever and when ever we can.

In order to make our networking event a hit, and well worth the time taken out of your busy schedule, we are going to give one individual that is there on the night, the use of one of our brand new, fueled up, Honda Demonstrator vehicles for a weekend. How great is that. Come along for an hour or so and perhaps win a brand new car to use for a weekend. That is what we think is a positive business opportunity!

Not only that but we are going to have another draw for some top quality Honda merchandise!

Click here to register if you are a Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce member, or send us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you would like to come along and network. This is a great opportunity for this as the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce is the place to be if you are keen about business!

Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce
BNZ Partners After 5
Where: Bowater Honda; 82 Achilles Ave, Nelson
When: Tuesday 25th March from 5.30 - 7pm

please RSVP to us by Tuesday at noon so we can make sure we have our catering numbers right.

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