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Free coffee for winners in the Honda CR-V test drive

Last week saw the first of the all new 2012 Honda CR-V's arrive into Bowater Honda on the corner of Rutherford and Hardy Street's. The Honda CR-V is huge in the SUV market, and a brand new model with an evolution of features and styling will always be an exciting moment for any dealership.

We have been running a radio promotion inviting locals to come down and take the Honda CR-V for a test drive. The first ones to get behind the wheel over the next couple of weeks all win a gift.
On Friday Gabriel Floares and Ana Giselle stopped by the showroom early on a frosty morning to take a test drive, and won a Pomeroy's Coffee voucher from the giftbox for their time.

winners for taking a drive

If you have heard our latest Honda CR-V radio commercial then you will know all about this and may already have your test drive booked in.
If not then you need to read on.

We are so keen to get as many people into this new market leading SUV that we are giving away prizes for just coming along.
You could win free coffee from Pomeroys, like Gabriel did, or something more! There are plenty of different prizes in the giftbox - it is like a Forest Gump Box o' Chocolates - you never know what you are going to get but it will all be good......
What you will win most of all is new respect for an already great car. Now in it's fourth generation the all new 2012 Honda CR-V is an iconic car that delivers on all fronts.

Check out some of the related articles to learn more about this car, and start planning your test drive. Book in and make sure you are one of the first!

Footnote 16.07.12: The Giftbox promotion is now finished. The first test drivers have been through the drivers seat and have all walked away from the Bowater Honda showroom with a gift, and a great experience driving the new CR-V. Thanks to everyone that came along.

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