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The Cancer Society Nelson gets all Jazzy on Daffodil Day

Sue Benseman, Linda Lucre (in car), Sophia Eagle and Sheryl Wearing (Bowater Honda) getting ready to set off with Daffodils in the Bowater Honda JAZZ AS daffodil yellow Honda Jazz this morning.

This morning Sheryl Wearing from Bowater Honda met up with Sue and Linda from Cancer Society Nelson on the Church Steps to lend them the daffodil yellow Honda Jazz demonstrator we have in our showroom to use for the day.

The Bowater Motor Group have a long history of supporting Cancer Society Nelson with our relationship being very strong over the past 2 years, including projects such as the BMG Mini for Nelson Cancer, the Relay for Life and sponsorship of the centre's primary vehicle. When the topic of Daffodil Day came up recently we asked what we could do to help. Hopefully the very noticable Daffodil Yellow 2014 Honda Jazz will draw attention to the volunteers as they travel the region collecting donations on this very important fund raising day for Cancer Society Nelson.

If you see Linda and her team out today in the Bowater Honda JAZZ AS Jazz make sure you donate! You can be given a bunch of daffodils for a $5 donation, or you can text 'daffodil' to 305 for an instant $3 donation!



Daffodil Day is the Cancer Society's annual flagship event and one of the most important fundraising and awareness campaigns in the country. As well as providing an opportunity to raise awareness of cancer in New Zealand, Daffodil Day is a major funding source for the Cancer Society. We are proud to be helping the local branch of the Cancer Society raise as much money as possible. The wonderful thing is that all of the profits from the money raised locally is used locally.

The daffodil is one of the first flowers of spring, whose bright yellow blooms remind us of the joys the new season will bring. It represents the hope there is for the 1 in 3 New Zealanders affected by cancer.

The donations that the Cancer Society Nelson receive go towards vital scientific research into the causes and treatment of all types of cancer, as well as providing a wide range of support services, information, health promotion and education programmes to reduce cancer risk, awareness campaigns and programmes for people affected by cancer.

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