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Bowater Honda bowls over the president with $300

Bowater Honda Sales manager Nick D'evereux with Stoke Bowling President Alan Johnson.


Bowater Honda is proud of it's long attachment to the Stoke Bowling Club. We have been a supporter of the club since opening way back in 2005.

These days we value the local bowling community and take every opportunity to give back to it. A few weeks ago we sponsored the Classic Fours Competition at the club and came along to present the prizes to the winners and generally entertain everybody with the children that came along with us to have a go.

Someone there obviously took a shine to us, and came down to Bowater Honda a short while later and bought a car. When someone affiliated with the Stoke Bowling Club does this, and lets us know by way of presenting the vouchers we give out at events such as the Classic Fours, we donate $300 back to the club as a "thankyou".  The least we can do.

Keep up the good work Alan, and keep letting your club members know that Bowater Honda is backing them!

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