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Nelson Prius Challenge winners take an Epic East Coast Prius C Roadtrip

It seems like a lifetime ago since Nick Marer blew us all away with his astounding 2.5L/100km drive around the Prius Challenge course.

Since then many have tried, but no one else has managed to topple Nick off his throne as the Bowater Toyota Eco Driving King!

As a reward for being such a nice bloke, and a very eco minded driver, we gave him the use of the Prius C for a week to go where ever he wanted. When he rocked up with his wife April and casually mentioned the Ruapuna Speedway, a few nervous chuckles were heard. Nick has also gained the unenviable reputation of a NZ land speed record holder in his own Prius, captured in all it's glory on a massive speeding ticket!

Fear not we thought, as Nick and April drove off into the sunset about to embark on an East Coast Prius Roadtrip.

April did the driving and was very impressed with the low fuel use, even compared to their bigger engined "normal" Prius.

The mountains through the Lewis Pass were not too daunting for the little 1.3L, 99 horsepowered "compact" car, and the space was more than adequate for April, her two teenage boys and all of their gear.

Nick took the adventurous option and rode his Ducati - these are the balances to being a very environmentally friendly driver most of the time - occasionally you can balance this "goodness" out with a blast through the mountains strapped to a rocket with Ducati written over the tank.

A highlight from the trip is this lovely shot in Hamner.

prius in hamner

Once back Nick drove the Prius C around as an unofficial Little Pig Building Company vehicle, taking it to building sites in Tasman and even to pick up supplies!
Not sure that all of that concrete is going to fit in there!

Prius ute

 If you haven't seen Nick's amazing 2.5L/100km Prius Challenge winning drive before, check it out below. Around town, even over the Russell Street hill and over the motorway out to Miyazu Gardens it is still possible to get amazing fuel efficiency! Nick shows us how.

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