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There is no going back. Another banned 86 TV Commercial

The Toyota 86 is a great car. It has been winning car of the year awards all over the world, and getting rave reviews from the likes of Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear who named it his car of the year for 2012. Not to shabby.

As well as all of the accolades there have also been a whole bunch of mind blowing TV and internet commercials to match the excitement, as well as to build it.

Some of these commercials have been spectacles of cinematography, some have been over the top special effects laden epics, and some have been very cheeky. Scroll through this section and you will discover some of them. Keep coming back to this section as we keep adding more as we discover them.

This next commercial comes from Britain where it was shown then banned, supposedly for encouraging "spirited driving".......


The above commercial, taken from Toyota UK's Youtube channel, is known as "The Real Deal" .

The creators of the commercial have very clearly made an effort to distance themselves from any kind of illicit real-world driving, as Toyota is fully aware that British laws forbids that kind of advertising. Toyota UK reportedly told Britain's Advertising Standards Authority that it did not, in fact, condone unsafe or irresponsible driving, and that its commercial – which features a digital man in a sort of Dystopian "video game" world – is impossible to reproduce under real-world conditions.

Still the commercial remains banned, but still viewable and sharable on their youtube channel. We do indeed live in interesting times.

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