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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

The Extreme 4X4 OffRoad Westport Challenge debrief

On Friday night we hosted an event to celebrate the success of the Bowater Toyota sponsored team at this years 2012 Extreme Off Roading Westport Challenge.
The came in a very credible 2nd overall for the event and showed once again just how tough the Toyota trucks are in extreme off road conditions. We certainly enjoyed watching their progress over the course of the event back in April 28/29th via live updates to facebook from the two Leigh's (Miss Leigh Kirby & Mr Leigh Jones) who just so happened to take the freshly cleaned indestructible red FJ Cruiser over to the wild West Coast to film the event.
Check out the article we posted about the event complete with a huge photo gallery here.

That film was one of the reasons for the party. That and a great excuse to just have a get together, chuck back some steak & cheese pies, 50 scoops of chips and sauce, some hokey pokey and of course some delicious Old Mout Cider.

The video of the night is great - it clearly shows how the prizes we sometimes give out get enhanced within the process! The trip for 3 to the open day at the Mt Riley extreme off road course somehow turned into a breakfast in Havelock on the way there, and dinner on the way back as well!


A huge thanks has to go out to local Nelson success story Redwood Cellars. They established themselves high up in the Redwood Valley in the Moutere way back in 1947 - the same year that the Bowater Motor Group also came into being.
They certainly came to the party with some delicious Old Mout Cider for us all to enjoy.
Everyone had a favourite amongst all of the flavours, and it made a tasty change from drinking beer at these events. At 8% the Old Mout Scrumpy (both pear and apple) will certainly put hairs on your chest whilst tasting delicious at the same time. Incidently we also discovered that a Hilux makes the perfect portable chilly bin!
You can check out their website here: or connect with them on facebook:

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