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The Prius C fits right in at Cherry Blossom festival

Yesterday in Nelson, at the Miyazu Japanese Garden's, the annual spring Cherry Blossom festival was held. It seemed like the perfect fit for our "flower power" car, the all new 2012 Toyota Prius C.

We took the car along early so we could get a great park right outside the festival so that as many Nelsonians could see this wonderful car as possible!

prius c cherry blossom festival

It is a big week for the Flower Power Prius C - it is off on a road trip with the Nelson Prius Challenge winner Nick Marer and his family over the first week of the school holidays.

The 2012 Miyazu Cherry Blossom Festival was a stunner as usual, with a great turnout from both the locals and the famous Nelson sunshine.

Here are a couple of photos from the day.

2012 cherry blossom festival

The Japanese drummers are always a huge hit.

2012 cherry blossom festival

They even had a traditional Japanese story teller, complete with scary dragon!

2012 cherry blossom festival

Blossoms, blossoms and more blossoms! This was a Blossom Festival after all!

2012 cherry blossom festival


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