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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

Tony Bowater has a close shave with the Mayor

Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese, Bowater Toyoa CEO Tony Bowater & Shawn Stormann from Stormy's Man Cave

Whilst Bowater Toyota CEO Tony Bowater has been rocking an excellent 1980's style M.O.T Moustache all good things must come to an end, and with the end of Movember here he couldn't wait to be rid of the itchy and drink spilling cookie duster!

Unfortunately for Tony we kept him going with the Mo for an extra couple of days so that we could make a bit of a song and dance about the removal of it and try and gather some extra donations as the actual cutoff for raising money is December 10th, so in other words watch the video and go and donate!!!! Click here to head to our Movember page - after all this is the whole reason we are doing this, to raise both money and awareness of a really great cause.

After being gently persuaded that keeping the moustache an extra couple of days would be for the good of the cause Tony agreed to a visit to Stormy's Man Cave in the Farmers Arcade to experience, for the first time ever, a true "gentlemans shave". What we didn't tell him was that new Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese would be the one in charge of the clippers, also for the first time ever!
We were there with the video camera to record such an event for prosperity....

For those of us that had never been to a proper barbershop before this whole experience was quite an eye opener - but one that will definitely be repeated. The whole action of sitting in the chair and being made to relax is quite therapuetic in itself - and now we can kind of understand this whole "Day Spa" thing!!!!!

Stormy (aka Shawn Stormann) is a consumate professional  and made everyone feel at ease right away - something quite important as Tony had not had a barber's shave before, and Rachel's lack of experience with shaving a man's face, whilst understandable, was also a little unnerving. Afterall we are talking about sharp pointy things and someone's face!

In the end though everybody was really happy, we made some noise about Movember with a little help from Martin de Ruyter from the Nelson Mail, got some great exposure and raised some extra donations.  

Nelson mayor Rachel Reese and a fresh faced Tony Bowater.

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