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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

some kind words from a grateful customer.


It is always so nice to hear positive feedback from customers on the great experience they have had with any one of our busy departments across the region. Good news is good news, and it restores faith in our collective experience and cultural narrative - so when stories like this come to light they are to be celebrated!

Dave Cox from Kapiti had some mechanical issues whilst here on holiday, and was so impressed with how the team at Bowater Toyota handled the whole event that he wrote to tell us.

Not wanting to blow our own trumpets (cue the Al Mapperley Trumpet solo) but we in the media department here at Bowaters feel that this kind of niceness from our valued customers needs to see the light of day.

blowing trumpet 

 writes Dave:


On Sunday 17 August my car developed serious problems approaching Nelson. The AA breakdown service advised me not to try to continue to Picton, but rather to stay the night in Nelson and seek repair service in the morning.

I therefore turned up at your Nelson branch at 7.15 am, as I was keen to sort the problem and continue home to the Kapiti Coast.

I am writing this email to thank you for the excellent service I received from your staff. First there was the helpful approach in the office, where the person on the desk took the details and undertook to get one of the mechanics onto the job as soon as they arrived at 8 am.

This happened. I was then impressed by the thoroughness of the mechanic and his work. He diagnosed the unusual problem, clearly advised me on the options, and then made a temporary repair so I could get home quickly. (A permanent repair will take some time as spare parts need to be ordered.)

I was pleased to be on my way by mid-morning.

Thank you again for your prompt, friendly, and efficient help.

Kind regards

Dave Cox
Kapiti Coast

How cool is that - thanks Dave - we certainly appreciate the fact that you took the time to express your gratitude!


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