It is all golden at the Takaka A&P Show
The sun shone and Golden Bay put on a cracker of a day for the annual Golden Bay A&P Show held in Takaka last weekend.
Bowater Toyota headed over to the show grounds to present to the locals, and many holiday makers, the cream of the crop of what Toyota has to offer.
From left, the BMG Toyota 86, the all new 2013 Toyota Corolla Hatch, a Landcruiser 200 Series wagon and the new Toyota Landcruiser 70 Series Double Cab.
It was an early start for the Bowater's team, but none could be happier than our new sales person Jayne Collier, who had the enviable task of driving the BMG Toyota 86 over the Takaka Hill.....
Jayne arrived at the Golden Bay A&P Show with a massive smile on her face.
The 86 delivered all that she expected and a whole lot more, and she got to experience the joy of driving all over again. She also got to appreciate first hand why this remarkable car has won Car Of The Year from so many different media outlets!
At the show the Toyota 86 got it's fair share of attention, and certainly drew in the crowds.
Also on offer was the brand new Toyota Landcruiser 70 Series Double Cab - a real deal, tough as nails, light truck build to work hard in the hardest of conditions.
The 70 Series Double Cab has been long awaited, and at a starting price of just $73,680 it is a serious piece of equipment. It is now big enough to get the job done, but also get 5 strapping lads into the field to do the work!
The all new 2013 Toyota Corolla got a look in as well.
This is the 11th Generation of not only New Zealand's favourite car, but also the world's favourite car, with the Corolla range selling more than any other model, ever.
This new generation is another step forward in technology, aerodynamics and vehicle safety, and proved very popular at the Golden Bay A&P Show. It is no wonder you see so many Toyota Corolla's on the road. They are great little cars.