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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

Fun day at Mt Riley for our offroad winners

On Sunday we took the winners from our Westport Challenge Video Showcase evening over to Mt Riley in Marlborough for some real off road experience courtesy of the Bowater Toyota Extreme Off Road Team.

The day dawned another perfect Nelson winters stunner, with a blue sky beckoning. We headed off to Havelock and The Slip Inn for brunch then over to the extensive 4X4 Tracks on Mike Holme's Mt Riley property.

 The whole day was an amazing adventure for us all, with the intense video footage still to come!

The concept of the day came about during the planning of the Westport Challenge that was held during the last weekend in April. You can catch up on all of the news, video and photos from that event in the column to the right under the heading "you might also like this".

The purpose of the day was to reward some of our customers with a fun day out experiencing some extreme off road action. We certainly got this and a whole lot more!
Everyone had a fantastic time and it seems we have created some 4X4 converts!

The 4X4 Club are very active, and this kind of open day is a great opportunity for those interested in the sport to come along and see what it is all about.
Looking around, there were a whole lot of unmodified trucks there with folks just giving it a crack, and good on them, that is what these vehicles are designed to be able to do.

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