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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

Take flight on the adventure of a lifetime with Bowater Toyota


The Bowater family has been in the area for many generations and over the course of this time we have got to know the place, and the people very well. This means that occassionally we can offer our customers some truly exceptional opportunities. The kind of stuff that most of us normally dont get to do, the kind of stuff that memories are made of.

This is one of those times.
The chance of a lifetime, and the chance to experience our wonderful region like never before. The icing on the cake is that you can share this experience with your family, or your mates.

We love the Nelson and Tasman region. But it is huge, and sometimes wild out there. For most of us the experiences we have in the region are all easy to get to. A quick car trip away. Some family time at Kaiteriteri Beach in the summer, a spot of fly fishing in the upper reaches of the Motueka Valley, or a quick wander, or bike ride, up some of the hills behind the city to drink in some of the stunning views. For most of us this is the most we get. But what if we could get more? What if we had the chance to hop on a helicopter and go further, and deeper into the heart of the region. Chance of a lifetime stuff!


For the last bit of the year Bowater Toyota are inviting you to buy a new Toyota Hilux and go in the draw to take flight on the adventure of a lifetime. This is a "locals only" promotion, so the chances of winning are fantastic, and you get a great Hilux out of the whole thing, so you have already won!


Reid Helicopters and Bowater Toyota will make a magic memory for a lucky customer and 3 friends!

Reid Helicopters Nelson is a locally owned and operated helicopter company specializing in personalized tours of the Nelson & Marlborough regions. They are also Nelson’s leading provider of commercial helicopter services. With 3 generations of experience operating helicopters in Nelson and the surrounding national parks, who better to show you the diversity of our naturally beautiful region?

What will the winner choose to do though? There are so many choices. A trip deep into the secret fishing spots in the back of beyond, an absolutely epic hunting trip to where the real wild things are, or a heli-biking downhill that ordinarily would be a heart attack inducing climb.

What ever the choice, Reid Helicopters have certainly got what it takes. You can check out their website by clicking here.


Someone locally must win this amazing prize. Buy a new Toyota Hilux from any of our branches between 1st Oct & 31st Dec and you have a chance to win a return trip with Reid Helicopters to anywhere in our beautiful district. Go real deep for an epic hunt of  legend, take your mates on the ultimate mountain biking downhill run, or pack up the family and your gear and head for the hills in the ultimate escape!

There is also 4 additional prizes up for grabs of scenic flights around our region.
Inspired yet?
What about a nice shot of a Hilux looking EPIC. You could have one of your very own for a great price and get in the draw for a totally awesome adventure with your mates.

2014-toyota-TRDhilux field

We will put all the names of those that have bought a new Toyota Hilux between 1st September and the 31st December 2014 into a hat, and in early January 2015, our friendly ex Nelson Bays Police Area Commander, now City Councillor, Brian McGurk will draw out a main winner, and 4 additional very lucky scenic flights winners.

Where could you go on your big adventure? The region is vast, and the options endless.

What about an epic downhill mountainbike adventure from one the the mountaintops to the west? Reid Helicopters has been doing chartered Heli-Biking missions for ages, and has got all the info on the best places to go that match excitement with your skill level. Check out one video we found:

 .... or you could get a ride to a luxury lodge like Stonefly Lodge deep in the Motueka Valley for a weekend away that you and your friends will remember for a lifetime!


Speak to the team at Bowater Toyota today about getting you into a new Hilux.

Right now there are some awesome deals on the new Toyota Hilux, and they have never been more affordable, with some great packages on offer that will blow you away.

It is the perfect time to upgrade, and you get to go into the draw that we are holding for this awesome Reid Helicopters Adventure of a Lifetime! This is a local competition that Bowater Toyota are holding, not a national one, so just think of those odds for a moment. Give Bowater Toyota a call, or just come on in and climb into a new Hilux, and early next year you could be climbing into a Reid Helicopter for the adventure of a lifetime!

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