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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

Get creative with your kids with this years Toyota Dream Car Art Contest

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The Toyota Dream Car Art Contest is held annually by Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan) for children throughout the world to draw what they imagine the cars of the future to be like.

This year will be the 10th year the contest has been run and will involve around 80 countries worldwide. This is the second year that Toyota NZ has been involved and held a national contest as a preliminary for the World Contest. We will be sending our top 9 entries (3 from each age category) to the World contest for judging.

There are heaps of great prizes up for grabs alongside the amazing once in a lifetime trip prizes!

  • NZ Contest | 3 Apple iPad minis for the best entries in the NZ contest (1 for each age category).
  • World Contest |The Best Finalists from around the world will be invited to Japan for the award ceremony and a sight seeing along with two parents or guardians in August 2016. The top entries from New Zealand will be submitted to this competition.
  • School Contest | The school, class or early childhood education centre that the child achieving first place in each age categories attends, will be awarded an Apple iPad Air.


What do I have to do?


Dream and Draw

Dream up the coolest car that you can think of and then draw or paint it. (Paper must be A4, A3, quarter or octavo in size - please don't use the computer). Make sure your picture has a colourful background so we can imagine what it would look like out and about.


Mail it or bring it to Toyota

Deliver your entry into your nearest Toyota Dealership, or send it to the addresses listed below by 12pm 4th of March 2016.
You have to live in New Zealand and fit into one of these age categories at the time of entry: Under 8's; 8-11 year olds; 12-15 year olds.


Prize winners announced!

Each entry will be entered into our New Zealand contest, with a chance to win 1 of 3 Apple iPad Minis. Then, the top three entries in each category will be entered into the Toyota worldwide art contest. If your design makes the final at the world contest, you could be flying to Japan to attend the world-final ceremony. Take a look at this video of the 2015 world-final winner's trip. 


Bonus Schools or Early Childhood Education Centre prize 

An iPad Air will be awarded to the school or Childhood Education Centre that the first place getters in each of the age categories attends. Make sure you let your school know. 

Terms & Conditions

There is a strict criteria for the artwork which is explained in the comprehensive T&C’s. A completed and correct entry form must accompany each entry.
We are happy to be able to include the children of TNZ, TFS and Toyota Dealership staff in this contest, so please make sure all staff know.

Click here for full Terms and Conditions.


How do I send in my design?


Then deliver it to your nearest Toyota Dealership. To find where one is located near you click here. 

Or post your design and completed entry form to us at:
Dream Car Art Contest, Toyota New Zealand, P.O. Box 46, Palmerston North Central, Palmerston North 4440. 

Or courier them to:
Dream Car Art Contest, Toyota New Zealand, 29 Roberts Line, Palmerston North 4414. 


Need Inspiration?

Watch videos of previous entries from all around the world for inspiration. View now.

If you have any questions about this year’s Dream Car Art Contest, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0800 TOYOTA (869682)


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