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Toitu Envirocare

toitu diamond webAll of our branches have certification by one of NZ's top eco standards. See what we are doing here.

Book a service

spannerModern cars need specialist tools & analysis. Book in at our Toyota Service Bay.


car-wheelsWe can source & fit a wide range of specialist parts & accessories. Learn more.

Need Finance?

key 128If you need help into your new car we can provide finance. 

Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

Have you got talent? Bowater Toyota wants to see

talent-tour-burgersThursday 10th May between 12-1pm the Toyota Talent Tour hits Nelson - and it is our chance to shout!

There is such a thing as a free lunch!

Come along to Bowater Toyota at the corner of Rutherford and Halifax Street to enjoy our free BBQ, and watch some of the talent as they get ready for Friday's auditions at The Nelson School of Music for NZ's Got Talent.

It is all on - the grill that is!
There will be spot prizes and a chance to win a trip to see NZ's Got Talent in Wellington.

If you are keen to practice your audition, meet other budding contestants or chat to the Classic Hits crew come down and enjoy some free BBQ from 12-1pm.

You’ll also have an exclusive chance to go in the draw to win a family trip to Wellington to be part of the audience for the 2012 NZ’s Got Talent decider show. To go in the draw you need to collect a special code from the Classic Hits crew – look out for them in their talent tour sign-written Hilux!

You can then enter the draw using your special code at, terms and conditions apply.

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Support in the Community

  • Rainbow
  • Nelson Giants
  • Bowater Toyota Cancer Society
  • Arts Festival
  • Nelson Bays Football
  • Cricket World Cup
  • Natureland
  • Hyundai Winner