Bowater Toyota sponsored team comes home 2nd in offroad event
The mud, the action, the chaos, the extremely awesomeness of it all!
This is what Extreme Off Road Challenges are all about. It is a chance to put drivers, winch operators, strategists, support teams and most of all machines to the ultimate test against the toughest elements you could ever imagine. Throw this all together on the wild West Coast of the South Island and you have got all of the necessary elements for an incredible weekend of mud covered off roading action.
This year the West Coast lived up to it's reputation and dumped rain on the track and the event just adding to all of the drama. We sent the freshly cleaned and polished, indestructible red Toyota FJ Cruiser down to the challenge with our Bowater Toyota sponsored Off Road race team to cover the weekends action.
The team performed very well coming in second overall for the event. We have got a very nice collection of photos (scroll down) and a video to come that will get it's first showing at the post match function at Bowater Toyota on Friday evening 18th May.
The event was total success according to all those that attended, with the track serving up some very challenging obstacles.