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The Bowater Motor Group are no longer a part of the nationwide Z Energy "Good in the Hood" project, but we have decided to leave this section of our website here to celebrate the many years from 2013 through to 2018 when we helped many community groups.

We previously held two Z Energy sites, on High Street in Motueka, and Z Rutherford in Nelson City, both giving away $4,000 per funding round, with 4 lucky local charity groups recieving a share of the $4,000 worth of funding. We had great responses from both locals and travellers alike during our campaigns from 2013 - 2018, with the charities very happy to be a part of it all. Good luck to all of those charities we supported, it was a pleasure working with you all during these campaigns.

For the sake of archives, please enjoy some of the videos and articles contained within this section. 

Tags: z good in the hood, z bowater motors, z station

Apply now for the Z Bowater Motors Motueka funding round

It is time to get your charity or community group involved and applying for the 2018 Z Energy Good in the Hood. Application is easy, just click here to apply on line. 
Even better take a minute to watch the video and find out what it is all about. 

Z Energy #GoodInTheHood is on again soon. Get your fav charity or community group involved for their share of $4k. Applications close 28th Feb. learn more by clicking play.

Posted by Bowater Motor Group on Friday, 16 February 2018

Apply now for Z Rutherford's $4000 Good in the Hood Fund

Tracey has been very busy!!!!
It is time to get your charity or community group involved and applying for the 2018 Z Energy Good in the Hood. Application is easy, just click here to apply on line. 
Even better take a minute to watch the video and find out what it is all about. 

Tracey’s been in the hood and reports it’s all good. It’s been a busy day for the team at Z Rutherford as they get ready for the 2018 Z Energy #GoodInTheHood. Applications end soon.

Posted by Bowater Motor Group on Saturday, 17 February 2018

Charities, it's time to step forward

Good in the Hood is all about helping local groups doing good in our neighbourhoods. To see if your group is eligible to apply, you just answer three questions on the Z NZ website. If you’re eligible, you’ll be able to apply straight away.

Good in the Hood is back again! Want to apply? Head to before 28 Feb

Posted by Z Energy on Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Click here to begin your Good in the Hood Journey.

Welcome to this years Charities at Z Rutherford. Let's get Good in the Hood Nelson!

May is always exciting at the Bowater Motor Group Z Energy stations. It is a chance to facilitate giving back to local charity groups something all of them need to survive - cold hard cash!

This year we are pleased to announce the following charities that need your support to sort out what percentage of the $4,000 they will receive. 
Big Brothers Big Sisters Nelson
Child Cancer Foundation of Nelson
Victim Support Nelson
St Johns Nelson 

Check out the video at Z Rutherford where we get to meet some of the faces behind these local charities that need your votes! (make sure you click on that HD setting - it makes video on Facebook so much better)

We got to meet this year's 2017 Z Rutherford Good in the Hood charities. Your token translates directly into funding dollars for these awesome groups so come down and support them. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson, Victim Support New Zealand Nelson/Tasman, Child Cancer Foundation Nelson and our top of the south St John's.

Posted by Bowater Motor Group on Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Check out the rest of the articles in the section to find out more about the charities, how easy it is to vote, and what these charities are all about. 

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