Al Mapperley (Finance Manager) and Tony Bowater (CEO) imagining the sheer terror about to be experienced by whomever is brave enough to pilot this deathtrap in the upcoming Slush Cup.
The Slush Cup is always an amazing way to close off another super successful ski season at our favourite local winter playground - Rainbow Ski Field. Bowater Toyota have been principle sponsor of this event for the last couple of years and it is an absolute blast! If you haven't seen a slush cup before you need to get up the mountain this weekend and get involved.
It has been postponed a couple of times already this season due to too much snow falling over the last couple of weekends (that can never be a bad thing), but with this weekend being the final hoorah - the closing weekend for the season, and with still some decent snow on the ground, it is the perfect time to be doing the runs - and due to the warmer weather we can expect to see a wild array of costumes to make it all the more interesting!
The BMG Bowater Toyota Slush Cup is a fun family friendly event involving a purpose built pond in the middle of the skifield with a nice entry slope, an expanse of quite cold and slushy water and a nice exit ramp - all to facilitate the gentle art of gracefully skimming across the surface on your skis or snowboard, or failing spectacularly in a flurry of wailing and flailing.

The AWESOME86 Sled of doom doesn't have the same "skimming" qualities of a nice pair of skis or a snow board, but it does have a super smooth metal bottom plate. What is the worse that could happen?
Witness the awesomeness of the AWESOME86 Sled of Doom.

Tony Bowater and Aaron McLean checking out the sled and making sure that the bottom of it is sufficiently slippery for maximum slippage.
We have purpose-built this absolutely amazing snow / water sled modelled on the iconic Toyota 86 sports car.
Unlike the amazing sports car that Jeremy Clackson from Top Gear named as his favourite car of 2012 (when it was first released) this Sled of Doom has no braking or steering systems at all. It literally is a box on a metal tray with a couple of handles so that the unlucky pilot can hold on for dear life. We are recommending a wetsuit and a helmet, and maybe some of those spiked gloves for steering / braking that bobsled / luge athletes wear to get speed up on the track.
And a helmet.
Over top of the first helmet.

Aaron getting in some "onland" experience before perhaps raising his hand as the pilot of this death trap.
BMG Bowater Toyota Slush Cup - fun and games for the whole family.
The Slush Cup is not all drama and action. To be fair we have built up the danger element a little using some creative license to hopefully get a laugh.
It is actually a fun family affair where all ranges of local snow lovers give it a crack. Most make it across the puddle, but the odd one topples into the drink and everyone has a bit of a laugh. Quite a few of the participants actually take one for the team and bail into the water for effect and a bit of a laugh. There are some great prizes up for grabs, as well as a snowman competition and a very interesting Lolly Scramble. Kids don't go chomping on those Macintoshes until they thaw a bit or you will lose teeth!
The RainBowater Hilux - celebrating our commitment to our favourite winter wonderland.

Bowater Toyota are firmly committed to supporting local organisations - especially those so focused on creating wonderful family fun. The partnership with the Rainbow Ski Area through the sponsorship of vehicles helps them out and gives us great exposure up on the mountain - a place where today's modern SUV's and 4X4's thrive, and a place were we can be front and centre in the minds of those that are perhaps thinking of a more comfortable and stressfree drive up that road.