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Win at Light Nelson with Bowater Honda and #GigatownNsn - we need your selfie!

The Light Nelson event is always a fantastic family entertainment must do for everyone during the annual Nelson Winter Music Festival. It is without question a stunning collaborative effort - and this year you have even more reason to go along.

Bowater Honda have joined forces with #GigatownNelson and come up with a great competition that will not only be a little bit fun, but also helps with the #GigatownNsn project to win ultrafast Broadband for the Top of the South.

All you have to do is take a selfie (a picture on your smartphone of you at the Light Nelson event) and upload it to the Gigatown Nelson facebook page. Gigatown Nelson will promote all of the photos uploaded and the top three most voted on photos will all receive prizes from Bowater Honda.

1st Prize - Loan of a demo Honda vehicle for a weekend, model and time of your choice, plus a tank of petrol
2nd Prize - Full car groom for your car
3rd Prize - Honda umbrella and hat

Taking a selfie is easy. Just take a look at one we prepared earlier!

Light Nelson Selfie

Keep reading this article for step by step instructions further down.


Just What is Light Nelson?

Light Nelson is a free community event that is held during the annual Nelson Music Festival. It is an awesome event and a total must do if you have kids - they will be blown away.

Light Nelson aims to facilitate the development of illuminated installations which respond to darkness and engage viewers through a collaboration of artists working with scientists, technicians and IT specialists exploring diverse ways of looking at projects.

The rise of new media technologies has encouraged artists from different genres to work together to produce multimedia works that respond to the environment in new and exciting ways.

Light Nelson 2014 Opens to the public - Saturday 12th July from Light Nelson on Vimeo.

This event also poses challenges for those who want to produce low-tech works that may transform or confound the perception of every-day items.

In 2014 the majority of the projects will be based in Queens Gardens, Albion Square and and the NMIT Campus with a number spilling out city-wide. This night-time event provides an opportunity to transform Nelson in a unique way. Light Nelson aims to reflect the diversity, the community spirit, the artistic talents and the ingenuity of the people of Nelson.


Entering the competition. 

  1. Take a selfie @Light_Nelson
  2. Submit your photo, tell us at which light project it was taken, and a short description (optional). You can upload up to five (5) different photos
  3. Go to GigatownNSN Timeline and tell us what you thought about the Festival or the photo that you have entered.  You must include #gigatownnsn
  4. Share with your friends
  5. Come back and vote for your favourite photo every day,  and comment on GigatownNSN Timeline of course

The photos with the most votes will be the winners

  1. 1st prize - most votes
  2. 2nd prize - second highest number of votes
  3. 3rd prize - third highest number of votes

Competition closes midnight Sun 20 July, 2014.

Enter Here.


Get fully interactive with the art - download the smartphone apps!

There are two apps available to download for Light Nelson this year. The first is the Stqry App which will provide location based information on each of the artworks and the artists involved. The app will also give some of the trees in the park a 'voice' as part of the Talking Trees project.

The Stqry App can be downloaded for the following operating systems:



Windows Phone:


You can learn more about the #GigatownNsn competition on their facebook page ( ) or by going right to the entry form by clicking here.


The fine print.

The Bowater Motor Group are very excited to be supporting this years 2014 Nelson Winter Music Festival. Bowater Toyota are helping out with the donation of 3 vehicles for the organisers to use, and now we are excited to announce a great competition that Bowater Honda is supporting.

In order to win this compeition (the use of any Bowater Honda demonstrator for a weekend of your choice) you must:

  • have a current, unblemished, NZ Drivers License
  • be over the age of 25
  • have vehicle insurance

You have the choice to use any of the Bowater Honda demonstrator vehicles subject to availability. You will get a free full tank of fuel to use.

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