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Motueka Prius Challenge winner Kelly Barclay

We have a winner!
After a successful month of Prius Challenges on the course in Motueka we have found the greenest driver, who just happens to also be a pilot as well.
Meet our winner, Kelly Barclay - clearly excited about flying, and winning!

Kelly wins the Prius challenge

Young Kelly Barclay is very happy to be the winner of the Bowater Toyota Prius Challenge in Motueka, he now has got the bragging rights and gets to drive the Toyota Prius C for a week in spring, all topped up with a full tank of petrol.
He might have a hard time trying to finish the free tank in a week though, as it will enable him to to drive around 1000 kms.

Kelly stopped by to get the official winners photo so we chatted with him about the Prius Challenge, and theToyota Prius C.

Overall the Motueka stage of the prius challenge was exciting, with some great competitors tackling the challenge, breaking free from some old driving habits and seeing the potential of hybrid technology. The Prius C marks another stage in the evolution of hybrids from the world's most recognised hybrid brand - the Prius.
This course had a little more open road driving, so as expected, the winning score of 3.6L/100km was not anywhere as efficient as Nick Marer's Nelson course winning 2.5L/100km, but with a saving of $1.19 for the trip over NZ's favourite car, the Toyota Corolla, the savings still add up!

Motueka salesman Michiel Overweel chats to the Motueka winner Kelly Barclay:

Name:  Kelly Barclay
Pilot (trainee)
Lives in:
Surfing, Snowboarding, Aviation
Current vehicle:
Bicycle!  - used to drive a Ford Laser and a 1990 Toyota Camry


 Kelly's Score:
Fuel Consumption: 3.6 L/100km
Savings (compared to the Toyota Corolla): $1.19
EV Use: 67%


What do you like about the Toyota Prius C?

Kelly: the Prius C drives great. I expected it to be different, due to the fuel efficiency, but it drives just like a 'normal' car. The Prius has got good looks, and the features are awesome. I like the display of the vehicle: It gives constant feedback while you’re driving (re-charging batteries, driving mode, drive train, average consumption, savings etc.). This makes driving fun again. Specially when you’re driving the same daily routes, you can compare your previous ‘score’ with your current ‘performance’. This car makes me aware of my ‘driving habits’, but it’s also made me a bit competitive:
Driving this green machine gave me the feeling I ‘d ended up in a computer game!


What about the technique?

Kelly: I am interested in the technical features (without spending time under the bonnet). I like the Hybrid technology. In my opinion, this is going to be the future. I am curious about the further developments of this technique and If the hybrid technology will be able to ‘ conquer’  the kiwi’s.  Doing the Prius Challenge for me was a great first impression. I am interested what the performance is going to be, while travelling longer distances. I am looking forward driving this car for a week.


What about your future-  would you drive a hybrid fulltime?

Kelly: I definitely consider a car like this! The car’s got a green footprint, drives great and has everything you need. This is a smart car and constantly uses all kinds of techniques, without you noticing it.


Congratulations Kelly, job will done mate - we look forward to catching up with you in a couple of months and seeing how you enjoyed your week with the Prius C.

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