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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

Our salesman Chae wins national training award

toyota corolla hatchThe release late last year of the 11th generation 2013 Toyota Corolla was quite a big thing for Toyota. The Corolla is New Zealand's favourite car, and the biggest selling car model...... (your best Jeremy Clarkson internal voice please)....IN THE WORLD!

When any new model is launched there is a fair bit sales training that goes along with it from Toyota. Dealerships have to make sure that all salespeople are totally up to speed with all of the ins and outs of each car variant in the range. This can be quite a task, each new model has tweaks to the previous year, some models have completely new features. When it comes to generational, or face-lift models like the new 2013 Corolla Hatch, the changes are even more dramatic.

Toyota New Zealand's Sales Training guru, Igino Quattrucci tours the country giving all of the Toyota Sales teams advanced training on each new vehicle launch. Part of this training is a series of role plays in which members of the sales team play prospective customers asking a series of random questions to other sales team members. Sounds complicated? It isn't, but what it does do is create a scenario where each salesperson is put in a situation with a customer full of questions. The sales team learn how to answer these questions and how to bring into the conversation important features that customers need to be made aware of.

This is important training within the Toyota way of doing things, so imagine our pride when one of our sales team, Chae Baird-Booth, was awarded a prize for one of the best presentations during Igino's nationwide tour. 

Chae Baird-Booth
Bowater Toyota Salesman Chae Baird-Booth with his gift voucher for Best Corolla Presentation.

Simply speaking, this award means that when it comes to having a conversation with customers about the all new 2013 Toyota Corolla Hatch, Chae Baird-Booth was considered to be one of the best in the country.

What does this mean for you, our customers?

A peace of mind that when you come to Bowater Toyota you are dealing with a sales team that really know their stuff, and can answer your questions with integrity and understanding.

corolla training

Igino is a virtual encylopedia when it comes to the Toyota product. It is quite impressive to sit in on one of his sessions. It is all off the cuff, all from memory, and amazing that one man can hold onto so much specific knowledge about a car.

igino from toyota

The 11th Generation Toyota Corolla is light years apart from the 10th Generation; sleeker, sportier and more fuel efficient, with dramatic new features such as the choice of Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) with 7-speed sport sequential manual mode or 6-speed manual transmission in the Corolla GX base model. Both deliver improved fuel consumption and driving performance.

The Toyota Corolla Hatch comes in 4 different model types, the base model GX in either manual (from $33,490) or auto (from $34,990), the GLX (from $37,490), the sportier Corolla Levin SX (from $38,990) or the top of the range Corolla Levin ZR (from $43,690) as pictured below at Fashion Island recently.

corolla levin ZR

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