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It is going to be Jazz As in Old St Johns on August 16th

Its Jazz As

The Brook Sanctuary are so close to meeting the goals set out right at the start of the project that they are getting into celebration mode. Part of the fundraising cycle for the winter is a jazzy wee music performance at Old St John's on Hardy Street. Part celebration, part fundraiser. A whole lot of fun!

The Bowater Motor Group are always keen to support the Brook Sanctuary whenever and wherever we can, so when this jazz concert idea was discussed the team at Bowater Honda immediately stuck up their hand.

What a great cross over, the brand new bold and colourful Honda Jazz has just been launched - a perfect fit for the Brook Sanctuary Jazz Concert, and so now we have the "It's Jazz As" Concert!

Just like the Honda Jazz, tickets are very cheap. Just $15 for adults and $10 for those children under 16. These tickets can be bought at either the Brook Sanctuary office in Morrison's Square, or at Bowater Honda in Achilles Ave.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page (click here) as well - we may just be able to swing a few giveaways!


The Show Talent, courtesy of the Nelson Jazz Club.

The Nelson Jazz Club are involved in this fantastic endeavour as well - all of the bands are hooked into the Jazz Club in some way, shape or form. There are going to be 3 bands playing over the course of the evening, which gets underway at 7pm.

The local bands performing are Freewheelin', The Nelson Youth Jazz Orchestra and the Nelson Jazz Club Big Band, which we are thinking is going to be BIG!


The Brook Sanctuary - saving our babies one step at a time.

The Brook Sanctuary team have done an outstanding job thusfar to get the fundraising this well progressed. It is now just a matter of tens of thousands of dollars left rather than millions! Now they just need the final push to get over the line, and this is where we all can help out - by supporting these fun fundraising activities. The Brook Sanctuary is going to make an amazing impact on all of our lives locally, and not just over the long term. Studies have shown that within a couple of years neighbours of the Sanctuary will already be noticing a significant increase in native bird populations spilling over into their gardens. How great would that be!

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