Bowater Toyota are helping Garin College get around
Garin College head teacher John Boyce receives a cheque from Tony Bowater, CEO of Bowater Toyota. Click to enlarge.
The way in which our children experience schooling, even secondary level schooling, has certainly changed alot over the last 20 years. The levels of appropriate, supported, responsibility of care elements are a factor in a multitude of activities that schools engage in. When schools participate in off campus activities there is a requirement for them to do so safely and responsibily. And we as a society expect nothing less.
Bowater Toyota are very proud to be able to assist Garin College with this. Over the years we have sourced the hostel a couple of safe, reliable and fit for purpose Toyota Hiace vans (click here to see the last time we meet them) as a part of their fleet requirements. Talking to Robert Booth, the hostel manager, it comes as no surprise that he, and his team, cover a lot of kilometers each week. They take the boarders to all sorts of after school activities, from football at Saxtons field to activities in central Nelson. This soaks up the kilometres, up to 40,000 per year without leaving town!
The latest edition to the Garin fleet occurred just a few weeks ago, and as a consequence a discussion was had and a donation cheque drawn up. The Bowater Motor Group are all for taking the opportunity to help aid our region's educators in their quest to raise a new generation of leaders, innovators and community minded young adults. Long term, an investment in our children has to benefit the entire community, and the Bowater Motor Group are certainly all about looking long term, we are now into our 4th generation of family working in the family business started back in 1947.
We went along with Tony Bowater, CEO of Bowater Toyota, as he presented a $3,000 cheque to John Boyce, head teacher of Garin College to go towards their Garin College Hostel Trust, a fund that enables those boarders of Garin to participate in the many off campus, after school activities that are on offer to produce well round and capable young adults.