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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

Bowater Toyota are proud to present Tim Finn's 2014 Festival Show "White Cloud"


This year Bowater Toyota are proud to be joining forces with Creative NZ to bring to the 20th Annual Nelson Arts Festival this acclaimed show by celebrated New Zealand musician Tim Finn. 

This unique show has been crafted by Finn with award-winning playwright Ken Duncum and filmmaker Sue Healey. A performance event where the alchemy of observation, photographs and journals, story, and song deliver a potent celebration of family, ancestors and what it means to be Pākehā.

Touching on themes of cultural dislocation, relocation and reconnection, White Cloud is a reflection on the life of Tim's Anglo-Saxon family growing up in New Zealand, missing the UK, being immersed in Māori culture and how that shaped his family.

[Tim Finn’s songs] tell amazing stories and are refreshingly direct in what he has to say and what he asks us to question. Duncum takes family stories and brings them alive, with enough nostalgia to make us all reflect on growing up in a younger more innocent New Zealand but not enough to feel sugar coated. They make for a powerful creative combination.


‘The island is full of voices,’ says Caliban in The Tempest, and so too are the islands of Aotearoa.



VENUE Theatre Royal
DATE: Sat 25 Oct, 7.30pm; Sun 26 Oct, 7.30pm
DURATION: 75 mins
PRICE: A Res $49, B Res $44
UNDER 18: A Res $27, B Res $22

Pre-show dinner package for Fords Restaurant & Bar
Click HERE to download menu
Packages include an A reserve ticket, selected main and a tap beer, house wine or juice. Table reservations must be made separately with the restaurant by the ticket purchaser on 03 546 9400.
Click HERE for info

Tickets also available through all Ticket Direct outlets (Theatre Royal Nelson, Richmond Mall, Nelson i-SITE, Nelson Markets and at Founders Box Office etc.)

Click here to buy tickets from Ticket Direct.

All pick-ups will be available from the Theatre Royal then from the venue 1 hour before start. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you require more information

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