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Welcome to the 20th Nelson Winter Music Festival


Nelson Winter Music Festival
11-27 July 2014

Welcome to this our 20th Nelson Winter Music Festival

This, our 20th Winter Music Festival, is the one that almost wasn't! We're not in our lovely auditorium, closed for earthquake strengthening and a much needed upgrade, but we're on stage with a wonderful programme that reflects the depth of musical talent in Nelson, plus some winning highlights from out of town.

Nelson's known for its creativity, and this is not just confined to the arts. Last year Eelco and Ali Boswijk took a creative entrepreneurial leap by buying Old St John's, where we will be staging most of this year's shows. It has magnificient acoustics that will keep all you music lovers happy, and will provide a beautiful setting for classical shows like our chamber concert from La Belle Alliance as well as for more contemporary concerts...I know Dave Dobbyn and Don McGlashen just can't wait to perform there.

There are several concerts  you won't want to miss: Graham Wardrop sings his own original music this time, the Nelson Symphony Orchestra pays tribute to the composers who died so tragically in WWI, Jezebel of Jazz takes us into the edgy world of Anita O'Day, and if if you've never come to our Silent Movie night accompanied by The Nelson Jazz Quartet, put that on your list.

Do take time for a wander to Albion Square where we present Jeu Play, a container of strange music-making instruments that will engage and will the wonderful Light Nelson, right next door in Queen's Gardens.

A huge thank you to our sponsors and supporters, not just for the 2014 festival, but for your support over the past two decades. Many of you have been with us since 1994 when our guests included Tim Finn, Dame Malvina Major and Mike Nock. Over the years the Winter Music Festival has consistently put some of the best talent in New Zealand in front of Nelson audiences, as well as providing a stage for top local talent. None of this would be possible without our sponsors, and you, our loyal audience.


Thank you and enjoy this year's line up.
Frances McElhinney, Festival Director

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