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Voting begins at Z Bowater Motor's "Good in the Hood"

 Good in the Hood

Z Bowater Motors are firm believers in helping those that help the local Motueka community, and have a great reason for you to visit them often this month. Each and every time you spend $20 or more (excluding tobacco products) you get the chance to cast your vote for your favourite local charity.

The Z Energy "Good in the Hood" promotion is on again for the entire month of March, and at the end of it, the 4 local charities will divide up the $4,000 depending solely on the percentage of votes they received during that time. So who are we all voting for this time around?


2014 Z Good in the Hood - time to vote for your favourite charity.

The most important thing you can do for your charity is to vote for them. Voting is easy. Every time you make a $20 or more purchase (excluding tobacco products) you will earn a token, which you can use to vote.

Matt Morris, site manager for Z Bowater Motors with last years Good in the Hood voting stand.

The 4 local charities to receive their share of the $4,000 as decided by the public are as follows:

  • Victim Support Motueka
  • Motueka Search & Rescue
  • Motueka Plunket
  • St John Motueka

Click here to cruise on over to the story we wrote last month getting to know a little about these 4 charities and what they do in our local community.

Each neighbourhood group will also be in line to receive even more funding if they’re one of the ten groups nationwide who receive the most votes in our online Token Hunt. During the month of March customers will be able to hunt for virtual tokens at and use them to vote for the group they want to support. There will also be some spot prizes up for grabs via Token Hunt, because Z Energy thinks one good turn deserves another!

So pop into your local Z or online to in March and vote for the neighbourhood group that means the most to you.

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Support in the Community

  • Natureland
  • Arts Festival
  • Hyundai Winner
  • Nelson Giants
  • Cricket World Cup
  • Rainbow
  • Nelson Bays Football
  • Bowater Toyota Cancer Society