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Are you are charity looking for funding? You need to be Good in the Hood in 2016

Running a charitable organsation is not cheap! Nor is it as effective when it is done on the cheap. As a community we need to get behind those groups, individuals and organisations looking out for the rest of us, especially those of us that are least able to look after themselves. It is just part of being a good human. 

The Bowater Motor Group are very proud to be able to offer financial support to a wide range of community organisations annually, and the national Z Energy campaign is just another example of how we can give back to a community that has done such a good job of supporting us since we started back in 1945. 

The 2016 Z Good in the Hood Funding round is getting underway again, and we have until the 29th February 2016 to get the charities applications submitted. 


#GoodintheHood 2016 funding applications are now open. Apply at by 29 Feb

Posted by Z Energy on Monday, 25 January 2016

If you belong to a charity looking for funding, or know of a charity that you would like to support please get in touch and get the application process underway.
It is very simple, and extremely worth the extra funding, as well as the little bit of extra awareness in the community. 

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  • Hyundai Winner
  • Nelson Giants
  • Rainbow
  • Arts Festival
  • Nelson Bays Football
  • Cricket World Cup
  • Natureland
  • Bowater Toyota Cancer Society