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Play is the Way during Toy Library Awareness week.

 The Toy Library

This week it is Toy Library Awareness week, so a perfect time to take a moment to think about how we encourage our young ones to play in today's modern, fast paced world. It is also a perfect time to learn more about the local Toy Library in Motueka.

When the locals were asked the local Toy Library was nominated to be one of the charities in this years Z Bowater Motors Good in the Hood. They are ion the running for a share of $4,000 depending on the outcome of the votes at Z Bowater Motors during all of March. If after reading the following article about the importance of play to our children's well being you think you would like to help, then here is a very easy way. Just head on into Z Bowater Motors on High Street in Motueka, make a purchase of any size (excluding single tobacco purchases) and you can cast your vote for them. The more votes they get the greater the share of the $4,000 they will receive.

This report comes direct from the Toy Library Federation of NZ, and was kindly emailed to us via the Motueka Toy Library. It makes for some interesting reading. Feel free to share this around and get people thinking about how they played as kids verses how they are letting their children play.


Play is the way.

With the increase in technology, structured preschool learning and after school activities our children are playing less.

This week Toy Library Federation of NZ is promoting the importance of free play in a child’s life to help build the pathways of the brain, develop social skills and understand problem solving.

National President Irene Mosley says that it is of real concern that statistics are now showing a decline in the number of hours children play each week. Play is a child’s work. It is through play that they develop skills for the adult world. Interaction, reading people’s moods and understanding our world all comes through play. It teaches resilience and coping skills. “It is quite ironic that more children than ever before are receiving therapy, when one of the frequently used tools in therapy is play. If children were given more opportunities for free play, they would sort more issues out in their own minds instead of needing intervention.

Play is not only about having fun, but also the learning that goes with that fun. There are over 220 toy libraries though out NZ which offer a range of toys, games and puzzles at reasonable hire and/or an annual fee. For a family, a toy library can open up a whole new world of learning, provide opportunities to interact and have fun as a family.

Play does not need to use toys all the time. Boxes, grass fields, trees and paper are just as good, if not better. In modern society, the opportunities for the type of interactive free play previous generations enjoyed have diminished either because of city living, busy lifestyles or the perception that children are no longer safe to play without close adult supervision. This is why toy libraries are now so important. The toys on their shelves can replicate some of the outdoor activities and play that children used to get in a more natural environment. Children may no longer have the opportunity to climb trees but they can use balance boards, slides and gym equipment to develop similar skills.

In 2012 an extensive survey undertaken in NZ and Australia found that while parents thought play was essential to a child’s wellbeing and development, less than half the children surveyed play every day. To develop a routine as a family of spending 20 minutes before bed playing board games, instead of watching TV is a great place to start. There will be fights, tears and disagreements but there will also be fun, learning and new coping skills come out of this time, as well as the opportunity for the children to feel part of a unit and cared for.

During toy library awareness week, TLFNZ is putting out the challenge to encourage play at home and in the work place. Mrs Mosley said they have put together a list of simple suggestions and are encouraging Kiwis to take the 10 day play challenge and see the difference this can make.


There is a Challenge List that you can get by downloading a file from this link < > Completed challenges can be handed in to the Motueka Toy Library and will go in the draw for $200 worth of toys and games.

For further information on the toy library network, visit

Research on play as mentioned in the article:

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