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Voting is tight, and every vote counts

good in the hood
Atawhai Teaukura casting her vote today at Z Bowater Motors on High Street in Motueka.

As the month of voting rapidly accelerates past us all it is time to check up on the voting for the 4 charities in the Z Bowater Motors. Voting is tight at the top with the votes almost even for the Motueka Victim Support, Whenua Iti Outdoors, and the Motueka Riding for the Disabled. Motueka Toy Library is a little way behind, but with 11 days left it could swing in the favour of any of the charities.

Up for grabs is a share of the $4,000 of funding. The count of the votes will determine the ratio at which the funding will be split.

Interest has been high for this summers Z Good in the Hood. The nationwide TV campaign has certainly done it's job in letting people know what Good in the Hood is all about.

Z Energy have been very proactive since their inception 3 years ago. They have a very strong community focus and are very keen to give back as much as they can. This comes from the top of the company right through to those on the forecourt, as discussed in this short video from Z Energy's Cheif Executive Mike.

The Z Energy philosophy is also echoed by the Bowater Motor Group. We too are very community focussed, so are very excited to be able to distribute funding locally of this magnitude. 

At the end of the day all of the nominated charities will all receive funding, but that doesn't mean your votes don't matter. Indeed they do, after all it is entirely your votes that determine who gets what. Please keep the voting up, your favourite charity will certainly thank you for it.

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