The Brook Sanctuary - Returning nature to Nelson
The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary is a community-based initiative working to create a pest-free wildlife sanctuary close to the Nelson city centre in New Zealand.
Integral to creating the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary is construction of a pest-proof fence 14km long, to enclose the area, and to eradicate all the pest mammals within it. This will enable the re-creation of a historic piece of New Zealand which today is only found on a few offshore islands. Resident birds, reptiles and invertebrates will flourish and species previously lost from the area will be re-introduced.
The Sanctuary also provides an easily accessible opportunity for Top of the South schools and training providers to be actively involved in conservation activities, allowing ‘learning by doing’. The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary’s ability to deliver education programmes has been significantly enhanced by the development of the Brook Conservation Centre, opened by the Minister of Environment in March 2010.
The project was launched in 2004 and has strong community involvement and support.
Part of the Bowaters Eco Fund Project is to bring awareness to these great community based eco-charities. This section of the website will allow you to learn more about The Brook Sanctuary as we engage with them over the course of the Eco Fund Project.
You can also learn more by visiting their website here: www.brooksanctuary.org.nz