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Cupcake Day tomorrow - save some room and coins for the SPCA

With cupcake day almost upon us, the Nelson SPCA has been busy baking up a storm at the NMIT commercial kitchens to fill those orders!

SPCA cupcake day baking

They had a great turnout by volunteers today to help bake the trays and trays of delicious cupcakes needed. You can visit their facebook page here to see how you can be involved tomorrow, or keep reading to see more of the action!

It looks like a fun day was had by all, how can baking cupcakes be anything but fun!!!!

SPCA cupcake day

Just look at all of that deliciousness.
The SPCA are entirely self funded, and rely on donations, events such as these and the generosity of those that leave money behind in their wills. Something to think about,

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