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Cupcake Day - become a cupcake baker and save the animals

Cupcake Day is coming up quickly and is set to take place next week on Monday August 27th 2012!
The official Cupcake Day Website has been launched and its time to start logging on and registering as an official Cupcake Day Cook!

spca cupcake day

Whether you are an individual, family, business, school or community group there is opportunity for everyone to be involved in this fun and tasty fundraiser for the SPCA Nation wide.

Last year the SPCA raised over $230,000 for SPCA’s across the nation. In Nelson alone the cupcake bakers managed to raise over $4,000 and this year they are hoping to reach that goal and more!

Here’s how it works for those that really want to be involved:

Visit the Cupcake Day Website at to register as an ‘online cook’. Here you can download all the necessary documents to become an official fundraiser and Cupcake maker! All that’s left to do is to sell your tasty morsels on Monday August 27th to friends, colleagues, family and anyone else that would like to support the SPCA. The money raised is then sent into SPCA National Support Office through the website which will have a secure online reconciliation form available closer to the day. The funds are then distributed to your local SPCA.

The Nelson SPCA will also be running some activities on the day including a Cupcake Stand at New World, Stoke from 9am – 2pm and Countdown, St Vincent Street, Nelson from 9am – 2pm. We will keep you updated with more activities for the day as they finalise plans.

Volunteers Needed!!!

The SPCA plan to have quite a few stalls happening on the day and are in need of a helping hand. If you or anyone you know may be interested in helping out with the making, decorating, or selling of cupcakes through the Nelson SPCA we'd love to hear from you! Please contact Summer on 547 7171

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