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Drive your dream with Bowater Toyota

How the EcoFund Competition works - the rules....

1206-ecofund-teaser250A little while back on Facebook we asked for worthy charities to be nominated for this first round of the Eco Fund Donation.
A list was made and the search began for a range of local Charity groups that were working on ecological projects to do with caring for the environment, or caring for at risk animals and / or nature. We needed to find charities that had a well established Facebook presence to make this work; afterall we are running this donation stage of the whole project via Facebook so the charity needed to have a page!

Once we got our list the charities were contacted and now here we are with the competition to give away the first round of funding, $1000, to one of the charities via your votes on Facebook.

These charities are:
The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary
The Nelson SPCA
The Nelson Ark

We have built a photo album < click here > on Facebook and uploaded an image for each of the charities ready for your vote in the form of a simple LIKE. The Eco Fund Donation Round 1 competition closes at 9am on Monday 13th August, with the winner announced at 7pm Monday 13th August on our main Facebook page.

facebook-like-580The concept is pretty simple, you just have to LIKE the poster of the charity you wish to support to register a vote. If you also LIKE the BowaterMotorGroup Facebook page as well, then your vote is automatically doubled!

The trick is that the votes only count if the LIKE is placed within the Bowater Motor Group Eco Fund album. If you share the poster of the charity you wish to promote you must remember to tell your friends to click on the image and LIKE the poster once it opens, not to just LIKE your own post! We see this happen time and time again, and it seems to be quite hard for some to understand, so make it clear if you want your friends votes to count.

For those that like to see things graphically: here is a pretty picture.....

 ecofund terms

The Eco Fund is a project that we foresee continuing forward getting stronger and stronger. The whole thing relies on the funding coming from the vehicle batteries that we collect being sold to the recycling company. The more batteries we collect, the more money goes into the Eco Fund. Please remember that the Eco Fund is all about giving back to the community and to the charities looking after the environment. 100% of the money earned from battery recycling goes into the Eco Fund. Tell your friends and share this page on Facebook, the more we can get the message out there about the Eco Fund, and recycling vehicle batteries the more money we will have to give away to deserving local charities. It is a win win win!

For more information on the Bowaters Battery recycling programme click here.

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