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Bowater Toyota Eco Fund

141126-ecofund-boardThe Bowater Toyota environmental champions responsible for the Eco Fund. Sandie Horne, Chris Westley & Tony Bowater. Click photo to enlarge. 

Bowater Toyota are in a wonderful position of being able to support local, environmentally based community groups to do their much needed work. Every year the team of environmental champions at Bowater Toyota have the pleasure of finding and presenting often much needed funds to these groups, or group depending on the end result of the selection process.

All of the branches of Bowater Toyota have got Vehicle Battery Recycling Stations set up in the reception area of the service departments. We encourage all of our customers to drop off any old, unused or damaged vehicle batteries to us and we will arrange for them to be recycled.
We accept any kind of vehicle battery, car, motorcycle or truck - they can all be saved from poisoning the local environment by being sent for recycling.

Every time we do this the recycling company pay us for the batteries as they collect them from us, and 100% of the money goes into a separate Bowater Toyota ECO FUND, which we then distribute to local environmentally focused charities. 


If you want to learn more about the process of battery recycling click here to go to the Bowater Toyota environmental section.

When it comes to environmental causes across the board the Bowater Motor Group are keen supporters. We are also very focused on the impact our collective businesses make and have approved environmental policies in place to make sure we actively manage any and all risk factors.

Follow our journey in this section of the website as we shine a light on some of these organisations that work hard in various aspects of the community. Take the time to learn about what these groups do, how you can be involved, and how you can help us help them. Please support our iniatives by dropping off your batteries to us.

Cupcake Day - eat a cupcake and do your bit

The Nelson SPCA Cupcake Day is now just a week away. The biggest and easiest thing you can do to help the SPCA out is to just buy some cupcakes!

spca cupcake day

MMMMMmmmmm. Nomnomnom. Licoricey cupcakes.
The cupcakes will be available from Cupcake 3 stalls in Nelson and Richmond, and from stalls at New World and Countdown in Nelson. They have got some commercial sponsorship from Brumbies on Hardy Street, who have come up with some excellent cupcakes to get you all thinking!

Cupcake Day - become a cupcake baker and save the animals

Cupcake Day is coming up quickly and is set to take place next week on Monday August 27th 2012!
The official Cupcake Day Website has been launched and its time to start logging on and registering as an official Cupcake Day Cook!

spca cupcake day

Whether you are an individual, family, business, school or community group there is opportunity for everyone to be involved in this fun and tasty fundraiser for the SPCA Nation wide.

Last year the SPCA raised over $230,000 for SPCA’s across the nation. In Nelson alone the cupcake bakers managed to raise over $4,000 and this year they are hoping to reach that goal and more!

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  • Nelson Bays Football
  • Hyundai Winner
  • Arts Festival
  • Cricket World Cup
  • Bowater Toyota Cancer Society
  • Nelson Giants
  • Rainbow
  • Natureland